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Lange refers to a Wyoming Medical Society's magazine article on "Gender Affirming Care."

The whole magazine is posted at https://www.wyomed.org/news-events/wyoming-medicine-magazine/

In that issue, the president's message speaks about how WMS members can influence the society's legislative positions. Is YOUR medical provider willing to ask the WMS leadership the questions Lange poses? I.e.,

<i>1. Is the amputation of healthy tissue from juvenile bodies doing harm, or not?

2. Is the deliberate disruption of normal endocrine activity in children safe, or unsafe?</i>

The WMS president's message seems to support physician autonomy, except that "<i>physicians freedom to choose whom to serve, with whom to associate, and the environment in which to provide medical care.... does not give that same physician allowance to limit care for an individual or a population.</i>" Does it follow that the Wyoming Medical Society does not support conscientious objections to such disputable amputations and disruptions of child development?

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